Tuesday, May 09, 2006

When you're weary...

I have one of those flip calendars with an inspirational thought for the day. This is my thought for today. Somehow it seems incredibly appropriate today.
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28

Jesus understands weariness. As a small ship crosses Galilee, and a strom's fury terrifies His companions, Jesus sleeps.

His physical frame is worn and His stamina spent from ministering to multitudes. So worn and weary is He tht even the crashing of the waves...and the shrieking of the winds do not awaken Him.

If you've ver felt so tired you couldn't take another step, and if you've wondered whether God knew that feelilng, here's your answer: There is One who not only knows your weariness but who says, "I'll walk the next step with you because I've been where you are...and further."

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