Saturday, January 13, 2007

One of those days...

Ever have one of those days where you feel like you just shouldn't have gotten out of bed? Today was one of those days...following a few of those days. You know how it is. Piles of little things just keep, well, piling until you're just frustrated. Discouraged. Angry. That's me. Things have to turn around somewhere, right?

Let me give you an example. Today, I'm on my way from spending my Saturday morning at work, moving slowly since it's one of those snowy, messy sort of days, turning a corner when I hit a patch of ice...and slide...right into (and over) a curb. My poor little Sunfire just isn't a fan of things like that...most cars aren't. Of course, it couldn't just be a little bump or something, right? Nope, this is bend the rim, bust the hubcap, potentially bend the control arm and tire rods kind of bump...and I wasn't going that fast. I'm frustrated. Hopefully it won't be as bad as I think it is. And here's my question, why aren't tire shops open on Saturdays?! could have been worse. The tow truck driver was very helpful. My dear roommate came and saved me. I'm not hurt. There were no other cars involved...and it's not as bad as the next guy that was victim to the patch of ice. He hit it so hard he blew his tire, bounced back to the other side and hit that curb, doing damage to both sides of the car. Still...I'm frustrated. Maybe next week will be better...

...and to make matters worse, Edmonton lost to Calgary tonight...of all teams, it had to be the Flames...

Okay, that enough whining for me. Now to work on being a little more...mmm...sunshiny.


Dayna Chu said...

Oh ick! Sorry to hear about your lousy day... sending sunshine your way! :)

Stacey Sparshu Miller said...

Thanks Dayna. I'm feeling warmer already ;)

Unknown said...

I'm glad you're okay! Gotta count those blessings, right? Hope Sunfire gets better soon.

Stephen said...

What a nasty thing to have happen. I feel your pain!!! I pray for a warmer day and a nice mechanic.

Tim Kantel said...

So first of all...

What were you doing working on a Saturday? Don't all Recruiters have to take their weekends off? Isn't is somewhere in our union contract (he says with tounge in cheek)?

Ah Stacey I feel for you and the Sunfire. We all hate those moments when crappy days pile on crappy days. Hopefully the poor Sunfire is the as well. We all know how we rely on our vehicles and the personal attachment we form with them in this job we do (see: 2nd office). My first love was named Al (short for Altima as in Nissan...don't go getting any funny ideas!)

I think we're starting to catch the winter weather over here that you guys have been enjoying (?) for the last while so as Dayna said here's wishing you some sunshine.