Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Winds of Change

"Everybody has to change, or they expire. Everybody has to leave, everybody has to leave their home and come back so they can love it again for all new reasons."

- Donald Miller, Through Painted Deserts

I just wish I knew what that meant for me right now!

*Thanks for posting it, Katie! I know it means something to you too!


Unknown said...

I love that quote. There are new beginnings for us every single day, albeit most are minor, evolutionary ones. But once in awhile there comes some revolutionary change to our lives. I pray we're all able to discern God's calling in all the forks in the road we came to.

Anonymous said...

I love this quote, it speaks oceans to me.

Sometimes in life you have to move on, to let go of where you are and create something new.
It's the difference in letting our background DEFINE US rather than moving forward and letting our experiences SHAPE US for eternity.

I'm speaking in abstractions, sorry.

I sat next to a Welsh lady on a flight back to Canada from Britain,last year. She lives in Calgary too. She said something very profound to me. She told me that I had to stop thinking of Wales as my home, and start thinking of it as my homeland, because until then I would never feel I truely belonged anywhere. She was right and those words changed my life!

I hope we can all embrace the winds of change knowing that God is ultimate trying to lead us home to him.