Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I'm just a Big Geek

It's one of my favorite times of year: time for the Calgary Herald Book drive. It's like an adventure...of literary proportions. Oh dear. Stop now. See, I'm just a big geek. On that note, no one has to comment about that fact. I know already. Oh boy! Anyway....here's an article from the Herald to tell you a bit about it...

Rare gems among deluge of donations

Graeme Morton, Calgary HeraldPublished: Saturday, May 12, 2007

Inese Clark must feel like a pirate searching for hidden literary treasure in an ocean of books.
Clark, a retired teacher/librarian, has been co-ordinating the special books section of the Calgary Book Drive and Sale, supported by the Herald, for the past four years.
She's responsible for locating books with unique monetary or nostalgic value out of the estimated half million volumes volunteers will sort through during the next four weeks. They are offered for sale in a designated area of the event tent at the Crossroads Market, located at the junction of Blackfoot Trail and Ogden Road S.E.

"I've had a keen interest in collectible books for a long time," says Clark. She has combined that passion with her librarian's background and the expertise of Cameron Treleaven, owner of Calgary's Aquila Books, who acts as a consultant on rare volumes for the book drive.

Clark says a first-edition copy of Charles Dickens' epic Bleak House is one of the most unique literary treasures that's surfaced during the donation process.

"We also get quite a few local, Alberta and military unit histories printed in limited editions that are quite attractive to collectors," says Clark.

She says some of the rare books come from families cleaning out grandma's attic, but other people intentionally donate valuable volumes as a way of supporting the beneficiaries of the book sale, the Servants Anonymous Society and Herald literacy programs.

"Not all the books we get are necessarily high-priced, but they might be just what someone has been looking for," says Clark.

"The year (Alberta conservationist) Andy Russell died, we had a great run on his books. Or it may be someone who is especially nostalgic for a favourite book from their childhood like the Hardy Boys, Tom Swift or the Bobbsey Twins."


The fifth annual Calgary Herald Book Drive and Sale raises money to support the Servants Anonymous Society and Calgary Herald literacy programs.

Used books in good condition will be collected at Calgary's 33 fire halls starting today. The sale will take place June 8 to 10 and June 15 to 17 at the Crossroads Market.

The book drive still requires volunteers to help with the sorting of the hundreds of thousands of books. Those interested are asked to call 205-5540.

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