Friday, July 28, 2006

All the things I've learned from moving

So the move is underway. I've spent the day packing, have one more to go and then the moving crew swings in to gear on Saturday. The exciting part comes after that when I get to actually be in the new house.

There's been some time to reflect while I've been packing. Here's some things I've learned from moving:

#1. As North Americans, we really do have too much stuff. I have too much stuff! It's sad to me that while we have so much and are worried about packing and protecting our possessions, there are people in the world that have absolutely nothing!

#2. I love to decorate. One of the things that I look forward to the most is getting to decorate my new home with my new roomie, Heather. I think we have some similar ideas so it will be great. Perhaps Ikea or the Pottery Barn can provide some good ideas. Again, I'm such a girl!

#3. God is faithful! (This would be #1 on the list if I were going by priority). I'm consistently amazed by God's provision above and beyond what I could have hoped for in my new home. There is only a 1.6% vacancy rate in Calgary and we got the 2nd house Heather looked at! Not to mention that it's fantastic. I know that I only need a roof over my head but every once in a while I would think of something else that I'd want and throw up a prayer for that too. All of those things (dishwasher, garage, and a Superstore nearby for example) are there! I'm so thankful to be in His care.

#4. I've got some great friends and family. I really didn't have to work too hard to find a great moving crew, ready and willing to pitch in and make this as painless as possible. It's supposed to be smokin' hot on Saturday but they're still willing. Love them all!

#5. I'm my mother's daughter. That moving crew I mentioned, well, they will be well fed on Saturday if I have anything to say about it. Today I was mulling over what I would feed them - two days early. Good thing packing doesn't take much brain power.

I know there's more but I can't think of them anymore tonight. Time for bed. This little girl needs a good night's sleep 'cause they've been far and few between lately!


Dayna Chu said...

Have a great move!

Stacey Sparshu Miller said...

All done, Dayna. Thanks! How's time with your sister?