Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Why the men don't hang in kids' ministry...

I'm really lucky to have a couple great guys who are leaders in the kids' program of our church. They provide a great perspective, much strength and fantastic role models for the kids, especially the boys, to follow. I get it. We're blessed. I love having guys working with our kids but I know that it's often a hard sell. For so many reasons, children's ministry is primarily the place where women serve, our church included. A family ministry guy that I read, posted a video on his blog that might explain this phenomena a bit. Thought I'd let you all think through the reasons too.

1 comment:

Mama Bean said...

have you seen all the double dream hand spoofs? it's an awesome meme :) on a more serious note, there's a trend in churches to see/treat men wanting to help in child/youth ministry as potential pedophiles. i understand the need to mitigate risk, i'm a parent, i would want my church to be careful. but i also see how a guy might choose a different area of ministry rather than put himself thru that scrutiny.